A Workflow for Marketing

Break your marketing down into steps to make it easier.

Marketing is a multi-step process

The earlier steps (JTBD analysis and Positioning) are more like preparation: They make sure that you know the answers to these burning questions:

  • Whom is my product serving?
  • Why would anyone care?
  • How does it help them?
  • What does your product need to be helpful to them?

Job-to-be-done analysis makes you understand what it is that your future customers are most interested in: The main, meaty job they "need to get done".

Positioning is the art of deliberately putting your product into a context where it appears as totally awesome and desirable for your future customers.

Messaging is mostly story-writing: The convincing stories that you want to tell to your future customers.

Planning means: Break down your marketing work into small, manageable tasks that you can execute, one by one.

Showing up means: Make sure your stories reach your future customers. You can use landing pages, emails, social media, and other channels you find effective.

Learning and adjustment is important because not all of your messaging will resonate with people. Some of it will be ignored, some will be received very well. Learn from what happens and adjust your messaging, even your positioning if necessary.

JTBD analysis

JTBD analysis gives you and your product the launchpad that you need to make it a success. You need to learn:

Persona: Who are "they", the people you will be serving?

Job to be done: What jobs are they trying to get done in their current situation?

  • The main job itself
  • Adjacent jobs: Preparation and clean-up activities that "enable" the main job

Learn more about JTBD analysis here.


There are three important reasons why you should position your product properly:

  1. Proper positioning helps create a distinct, differentiated identity for a product in the marketplace. It makes your product look special, valuable, different from others.

  2. Proper positioning can help increase sales and market share by making it easier for consumers to understand what the product does and why they need it.

  3. Proper positioning helps you build brand equity over time, creating positive associations and perceptions in peoples' minds: Awesomeness and desirability are the keys here.

Learn more about Positioning here.

Messaging (storytelling)

Messaging is the art of influencing your future customers, convincing them that your product is an obvious choice for them to get their job done. You will use storytelling techniques to do that.

Learn more about Messaging here.

Plan your marketing efforts

Because when you go deep and build, the next week you'll rise to the surface and "have to" do marketing.

You can plan on two different levels: strategically and tactically. Strategy is about the bigger picture whereas tactical planning is more about what marketing activities you will do each week.

Show up, learn and adjust

Once you run an experiment, you will see how your audience reacts to your stories and marketing messages. You'll get feedback and learn amazing things about their needs and your product that you didn't know before.

This makes you an even better marketer who serves an audience well.

Learn more about Experimentation here.

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