
You wrote your stories. Now is the time to send them to the world.

Messaging gave you a collection of stories, mostly written down as conceptual stories, in text form.

Now is the time to send them to the world.

You do this by running experiments. An experiment consists of:

  • a story you want to tell
  • a channel by which to reach your audience
  • a hypothesis of what will happen when they get the story
  • the materials you need to tell the story (text, images, video, audio...)
  • the recipe about how you process and combine those materials
  • the tools you need to execute the recipe

You want to know my formula to build lots of experiments, daily, weekly? Here it is:

Story x Channel = Experiment.

Adapt the story to the channel. If you have 4 stories to tell (A, B, C and D) and 3 channels (e.g. landing page, email, Twitter), you have 12 combinations you can test and see which work and which fail.

Example for an experiment I did, end of December 2022:

  • I told a story about a solopreneur who wants to setup their marketing.
  • The storytelling format I chose was a free, step-by-step workbook PDF.
  • The channels to my audience were: a landing page with an email signup form, the same email form displayed again after each blog post I have written, tweets on Twitter to send people to the landing page.

Classic setup. Took me four days to create all this and wire it together. Not clever but effective.

The email signup form makes people come to me who want to hear more stories.

Learn more about how experimentation works, step by step.

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