
How to invite someone to collaborate on a resource – and how to break that relationship again.

How to share something with another user

These are the steps you need to share one of your projects or boards with another user, by means of invitation:

  • Goto the project or board, i.e. the resource you want to share
  • Click on its own 3-dot menu and choose Share
  • Choose whether the other user shall become a viewer or editor on your resource
  • Choose Copy board link to get a link that you can paste into any communication medium you like (text message, Signal, Twitter DM, whatever)
  • Click on Share via Email to automatically open your local email system and prepare an email that already contains that link. The email will not yet be sent because you likely want to add some friendly words, right? 😄

Click-thru demo: How to share a board with a friend

How to accept an invitation to get a role

When you get an invitation link from another user, via email or DM or whatever, make sure you're logged-in to 2Quiet2Market. Then, click on the invitation link, and 2Quiet2Market will automatically make you a viewer or editor for the resource the other user has shared with you. You will see a project or board immediately.

If you want to check what happened, choose Collaboration from the main menu.

Click-thru demo: How to accept an invite to a shared board

👉 Pro tip:

For security reasons, all invitations expire after 48 hours. Should a hacker maliciously break into you inbox, they will only find useless links.

So if the invite that you received does not work anymore, check the date first. If more than 48 hours have passed since you got it, don't worry: Just ask your friend to send you a totally new, fresh invitation and accept it by clicking on the link inside it.

How to switch between your own and another user's resources

After you accepted an invite, the user who shared the resource with you will appear as a new entry inside the small select box above the main menu of 2Quiet2Market.

If you want to go back to your own projects, open that select box and choose your own name. If you want to see other user's resources again, choose their name from the select box.

That way, it's always clear whether you're working on your own stuff or on other people's stuff.

Click-thru demo: How to switch to another user's resources

How to review and remove roles

Choose Collaboration from the main menu. Two lists will appear:

  • Other people's roles
  • Your own roles

In each list, you see

  • the project or board that has been shared,
  • the user account and the role that it currently has on that resource,
  • and a button to remove that role.

It works both ways: You can remove yourself from a resource that has been shared with you, and you can remove another role that you granted to a different user.

One or both lists can be empty, if nothing has been shared yet.

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